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Category: Resources

Community Garden Australia’s resources:

Other useful documents:

Want to know more about plants you could grow?
Find out which plants flourish in community gardens:

Yinnar Community Garden: a practice in sustainability

Setting up a community garden is a complex process, view our report…

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Local Government documents

Policies and guidelines to make community gardening an enjoyable experience and for gardens to be able to manage their garden

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Vegetable leafminer

The vegetable leafminer is one of Australia’s most unwanted pests. It affects the majority of vegetable crops and can spread

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Serpentine leafminer

Serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis) is a leafminer species that has recently arrived in Australia and poses a significant economic threat

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Giant African snail

The giant African snail is one of Australia’s most unwanted exotic pests. It affects over 500 plants including a variety

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Tomato potato psyllid

The Tomato Potato Psyllid is a small flying insect that is the size of a winged aphid.

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The fall armyworm

The fall armyworm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda) is a destructive exotic moth.

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Brown marmorated stink bug

The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is one of Australia’s most unwanted exotic pests.

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Community gardens or related: theses, papers, and reports

A listing of theses, reports and conference papers...

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Looking for something in particular about community gardens? We have a range of information that you might find useful...

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