Download our information sheets at the links provided below.
Community Gardening
- Start a community garden: a 10-step process [PDF 2.7MB]
- Common objections: to community gardens and how to frame your plans to address them [PDF 1.3MB]
- Garden checklist: ideas to consider before starting a community garden [PDF 148KB]
- Plan of management template: [Google Drive — Doc 232KB]
- Start with garden design: productive ideas for home and community gardeners [PDF 2.7MB]
- Understanding our site: needs, site and sector analysis – the basis of good design [PDF 6.1KB]
- Materials for building: community gardens [PDF 5.2MB]
- Thinking about safety: in our community garden [PDF 1.7MB]
- Community gardening: growing food, growing community [PDF 2.1MB]
- NOTE: if you want to download word files on our Google Drive, in the dropdown menu ‘File’ scroll down to ‘Download’:

- Organic gardening: productive, safe gardening for home and community gardeners [PDF 2.5MB]
- Creative composting: for home and community gardening [PDF 2.7MB]
- Creating good soils: the most important part of organic gardening [PDF 2.5MB]
- No-dig or mulch gardening: for the home and community gardener [PDF 3.6MB]
- Using water wisely: gardening food on a dry continent [PDF 4.9MB]
- Making a food forest: cultivated ecology for home and community garden design [PDF 5.7MB]
- Managing garden pests: with an integrated or diverse pest management strategy [PDF 3.9MB]
- Crop rotation: managing pests and maintaining plant health [PDF 3.7MB]
- Container gardens: grow your own on a balcony or in a community garden [PDF 1.9MB].
Verge gardens
- Verge gardening: farming the urban footpath [PDF 1.3MB]
- Farmers of the urban footpath: ideas for urban food gardeners and local government [PDF 14.7MB].
- Creating a perma-culture: a design approach to creative living [PDF 2.8MB]
- Planning a PermaBlitz: in a community garden [PDF 2.1MB].
Community Food
- Community food systems: communities providing for themselves [PDF 3.3MB].
- Blogging your stories: let’s get our message out [PDF 2.4MB]
- The media release: a guide to writing your own [PDF 2.2MB].