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Category: ABOUT different gardens

2023 CGA Award Winners

1. Community Champion Award How has your community garden connected to other groups and individuals in the local community? How

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Yinnar Community Garden: a practice in sustainability

Setting up a community garden is a complex process, view our report…

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Tasmania: community gardens in the press

If we ever wanted evidence that community gardens are now fixtures in our urban landscapes, this reader-contributed photo in The

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Community garden roadshow

The community gardens roadshow is well underway!

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Community Gardens Ireland — media coverage

Community Gardens Ireland — media coverage...

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The number one thing beginner gardeners get wrong

Can’t keep your plants alive? You’re not alone. Plenty of beginner gardeners give up before they’ve barely started. But don’t

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Vaishnavi: invite neighbourhood youth to your community garden

Vaishnavi, recently attended the UNICEF Better World Youth Summit…

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David Stephen at Kickstart Arts Community Garden

Can too much compost be an embarrassment? David Stephens thinks so. 

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Kickstart Arts Community Garden with Nic Stephen

After visiting Kickstart Arts Community Garden in Hobart’s New Town, Russ Grayson came away with the impression that it is

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Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania 2022 — interview with Hannah Moloney

Video by Russ Grayson, September 2022 The world is a pretty interesting place right now, says Community Gardens Australia (CGA)

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