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INFO SHEET: Common objections

INFO SHEET: Common objections

by Russ Grayson, updated May 2020.

Objections have common themes

There are a number of reasons why people have objections to the repurposing of public land for community garden development. Those that follow have come up repeatedly in deliberations around proposals for new gardens.

In some cases these objections have been resolved through discussion with opponents, however sometimes opponents will not amend their opposition, and community garden development has gone ahead despite them. The objections of opponents have seldom proven to be real.

Comments (2)

  • John The Mildura Gardening Guy
    29/05/2023 at 8:38 am Reply

    I’ve been wanting to start a community garden for some time, and I’m so glad I’ve now started researching and found this website. Your factsheets and resources are so helpful! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing such useful content for our aussie gardening community.

    • CGA web support
      CGA web support
      29/05/2023 at 11:24 am Reply

      Glad you found them helpful.

      Enjoy the process of starting a community garden.


      Fiona Campbell
      Web Team Member
      Community Gardens Australia

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