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2018/19 committee

2018/19 committee

  • President — John McBain (WA)
  • Vice President — Naomi Lacey (NT)
  • Secretary — Joel Orchard (NSW)
  • Treasurer — John Brisbin (QLD)
  • Media liaison — Russ Grayson (NSW)
  • Membership secretary — Jane Mowbray (NSW)

State representatives

  • QLD — Damien Gillett
  • NSW — Vacant
  • NT — Vacant
  • SA — Christy Spiers (support team Alex Miller)
  • TAS —Jo Dean
  • VIC — Lorna Martin (support team Peta Christensen and Merrin Layden)
  • WA — Anthony Rudolf.

Support teams

ACFCGN ambassador

  • Costa Georgiadis

Communications — website, social media, eNews, media statements etc

ACFCGN distributes a seasonal eNEWS and we welcome your stories.

  • Russ Grayson — media liaison and journalist support
  • Fiona Campbell — website coordinator, eNEWs design support.

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