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Social Media Hacks

Social Media Hacks

…to promote your garden

…PowerPoint by Naomi Lacey

Who loves social media to promote your garden? Who hates social media to promote your garden?

Love or hate it social media has a place in promoting your garden. Social media is not fro everyone but if it is not, you find that person in your garden.


  • a positive way to showcase your garden
  • source and retain volunteers and members
  • obtain funding opportunities eg. sponsorship
  • people find out about you
  • it’s fun.

Don’t overthink social media, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it can be raw, real, and you!

The attached PowerPoint presentation was presented at CGA state gatherings in 2024. It has video links on how to use these apps:

  • Canva and Photography
  • AI — Chatgpt
  • Video Teleprimoter — BigVu
  • Social Media Calendars — Urban Rewild.


View our video slideshow that shows the diversity of activities and people at the gathering.

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