Acacia gonocarpa
Plant details by Naomi Lacey
Common name: Acacia gonocarpa
Scientific name: Acacia gonocarpa
Family, and related species: Mimosaceae
Description including form (tree, climber etc), other similar species
A low rounded shrub that grows up to 2m. It has narrow, light green leaves and smooth, grey bark that gets rougher at the base of the plant. Masses of pale yellow flowers cover the bush during the wet season.
Role/ characteristics/use in permaculture
A highly ornamental and effective border plant or screening shrub. Also effective as a low-level windbreak.
Attracts birds, reptiles, butterflies, and mammals.
Used by aboriginal people to make spear shafts, boomerangs, clubs, and the foliage was used to flavour kangaroo meat.
A nitrogen-fixing legume. The foliage makes an excellent mulch.
Ecology and habitat requirements:
Native to the wet/dry tropics it is found in a wide range of soils but does best in well-draining sandy loams in full sun. It likes a light mulch occasionally and requires minimal water.
There are no known pests or diseases that attack this plant.
Access to plants
Grown from seed collected about a month after flowering. The seeds need to be soaked in boiling water for a few minutes and any seeds that float need to be discarded. Plant out in a mix of 1 part sand to 1 part peat moss and only cover the seeds lightly. It will take between 1 and 3 weeks for the seeds to germinate.
Available at most Darwin nurseries and the Greening Australia nursery.
Smith, Nicholas, Native Plants For Top End Gardens, Greening Australia, pg 221
City of Darwin, 2013, Creating Habitat for Darwin Gardens, City of Darwin, Darwin, 2013.
Darwin City Council, (?), DarwinEMnativevegetationbook06v2 [internet], Darwin City Council, sourced from personal database.

Source feature photo:;Item;9836