Simple pleasures — recipes
Recipes from the residents of Loxton Lodge, November 2007

This cookbook was a joint project between Cultivating Community and Melbourne’s Inner South Community Health Service through its High Rise Support Program and was generously supported by Stonnington City Council.
Cultivating Community is a not-for-profit organisation initially set up to support community garden projects in inner-city public housing estates and now promotes and supports the development of projects like these in the broader community. Access to such a basic resource as soil is limited in the inner city: community gardens are extremely popular, so there are long waiting lists. The only real solution is to create more community gardens — every inner suburb should have one!
The High Rise Support Program aims to improve the health and well-being of tenants at five high-rise public housing estates in Melbourn’s inner south, which includes Loxton Lodge, by offering a rich range of activities to tenants, such as exerciser groups, social activities, community gardens, and educational programs.
- Sandy’s Lam-shank and veggie soup
- Pumpkin soup
- Garden pea and lettuce soup
- Zucchini soup
- Creamy carrot and orange soup.
Main dishes
- Polina’s gefilte fish
- Kaytya’s vegetable pancakes
- Eggplant with capsicum and tomatoes
- Katya’s cabbage rolls
- Vincent’s chilli beef burgers
- Pasta with veggie sauce
- Lyubov c’s mushroom salad
- Dora’s tuna patties
- Klara’s potato cakes
- Vincent’s stir-fried winter vegetables
- Moussaka.
Sweet treats
- Katya’s cottage-cheese patties
- Lidia’s pancakes
- Marija’s honey cake
- Poached pears
- Marija’s white pie.
Sauces & preserves
- Roasted red capsicum sauce
- Fresh chilli jam
- Green tomato chutney
- Pickled eggplant.