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2024 TAS Community Gardens Gathering

2024 TAS Community Gardens Gathering


Product Description

Come and experience a fabulous day at The Shed in Rocherlea with your fellow Tassie community gardeners!

We will have speakers, workshops and a big lunch cook-up for our community lunch. Rees Campbell will share her love of foraging local ingredients and seaweeds. She will also demonstrate some cooking techniques. Yum!

Learn all about:

  • the secret life of soil
  • insects in community gardens
  • community garden governance and more
  • plus, enjoy a tour of the gardens.

Morning and afternoon tea as well as lunch is included in the ticket.

Also included is a fabulous evening dinner with live entertainment. 

Please bring your own:

  • bring along some of your produce to share and we’ll have a food swap at the end of the day 
  • water bottle
  • keep cup and bag for some goodies
  • you will spend some time outdoors so dress appropriately for the weather and don’t forget your sun protection. 

Everyone is welcome. Fully accessible. 

Thanks to our sponsors for their generous support:

  • WaterUps — is a modern innovation inspired by age-old wisdom: the art of wicking
  • Koh — create a cleaner, happier home that is better for our planet
  • PiP Magazine — sharing practical and inspiring stories.

Interested in running a workshop or discussion?

Contact CGA’s Tasmanian Coordinator:

Send us your details by 14 June 2024:

    SUBMISSION for 2024 Tas Community Garden Gathering
    DEADLINE FRIDAY 14 June 2024

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Are you a Community Garden member of CGA?

    CALL FOR workshops or discussion circles...

    Please select what you are interested in submitting for:


    What is the title of your proposed workshop or discussion?


    Outline a summary of: your workshop or discussion (200 words max.)

    WHAT IS YOUR PREFERRED LENGTH of your workshop or discussion?

    Thank you for your interest in participating in the CGA's 2024 Tas Community Garden Gathering. We will be in contact with you early July to let you know if your workshop or discussion session has been accepted.
