Yanddina Community Garden (YCG) is a Permaculture Community Garden where people can learn through hands-on volunteering, our Saturday Education program & tours. All Welcome!
We are a volunteer-run organisation that promotes environmentally sustainable, affordable, healthy living based on Permaculture principles through education and example. We inspire and teach people to grow their own nutritious food; be healthy, active, and connected; and live sustainably.
We are dedicated to the Permaculture ethics of Care of Earth, Care of People, and Sharing Surplus.
A place of beauty, creativity, inspiration, fun, serenity, and lots of hugs! Our signs say, “Permaculture Garden open, All Welcome!”
Yandina Community Gardens is an educational facility and demonstration site of urban Permaculture food production. We also have a small aquaponics system and demonstrate sustainable housing techniques through our retro-fitted Blue House and straw bale shelter.
Plants propagated by our Volunteers — water-wise subtropical food plants, support species, herbs, and some fruit trees — are available for purchase from our nursery, starting at $2. We also sell a range of garden products including our own seeds, garden nutrients, gardening and recipe books, wicking bed & worm farm kits.
Community members can participate at YCG in various ways:
Open Monday and Tuesday 8:30-2 & Saturday 8:30-12 (Closed on public holidays). Please visit us early on hot days as we sometimes close early if it’s too hot for our volunteers to work in.