The TLC Garden started in 2010 following many months of planning. After nine years & considerable work, we now have a well-established garden with both communal areas and 24 individual plots. The garden is completely organic.
We have many members of different ages, cultural backgrounds, interests & skills, all bound together by the attraction of growing fresh food. Some are experienced gardeners, others are complete novices keen to learn & most are in between.
We regularly host school, playgroup, garden & other community groups at the garden.
We have a working bee on a Saturday morning between 9am & 12noon when many of our members are at the garden. This includes a generous, sometimes lengthy & always delicious, morning tea. We learn from each other & often have speakers on topics relating to gardening & sustainable living. It’s a good opportunity to call in, have a look around & talk to us about joining our friendly group. If you can’t make it on a Saturday morning, walk through any time & see what we are growing.