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About us

Community Gardens Australia (CGA) is a networking organisation connecting community gardeners around Australia.

We maintain a map of community gardens where organisational members and registered non-members can place their community gardens and community education centres.

CGA provides an event listing service on our website for gardens to upload their events

Within the capacity of our voluntary organisation, we advocate in support of community gardens and the practice of community gardening as a form of urban land-use and social development.

Within the capacity of our state coordinators and regional representatives, we may be able to provide advice to new and existing community gardens.

We offer benefits for garden membership by partnering with organisations to provide discounts.

Join us and become a member

Registered Charity

Community Gardens Australia Ltd is a registered charity and has been registered by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.


CGA is a community organisation run by volunteers. It has:

  • a national management team
  • contact people in most states who may be able to assist with enquiries in their states
  • volunteers who maintain CGA’s website and social media presence
  • three ambassadors who support the organisation — Costa Georgiadis (ABC TV Gardening Australia host), Hannah Moloney (permaculture educator), John McBain (sustainability ambassador).

Find out about our teams


There are three ways to become a member of CGA:

  • Community garden membership/voting: for gardens. The garden must nominate a person to vote on their behalf and act as a point of contact with CGA. Membership fee:
    • $50 per year, for gardens that have funding and are able to fully support CGA
    • $20 concession per year, for gardens with low to no funding available but who are keen to participate as full members
  • Individual membership/non-voting: for individual supporters who wish to be part of CGA. Membership fee — $20 per year
  • Corporate membership/non-voting: for businesses, corporates, and supporters of our work who wish to be part of CGA. Membership fee — $100 per year.

Join Us and receive member benefits.

Our website

Our website provides resources for community gardeners, local government and researchers.  

You can browse our CGA resources:

Others useful documents:

Want to know more about plants you could grow? Find out which plants flourish in community gardens:
