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Community Garden Insurance

Story by Josh Barnes, June 2022

Public liability and volunteer insurance is one of the big annual costs for community gardens. That is why CGA sought to find options for its members. 

We asked you what kind of cover you needed and how happy you were with your current provider. Most gardens responded that they were happy with their current arrangements. Some are even covered for free by government insurance (Adelaide; Queensland) under land management schemes. 

Given the number of gardens that might take up a group scheme through CGA, we found the premiums could not beat the prices gardens were already paying. As a result of these inquiries, CGA has resolved to put its efforts into lobbying for all states to give community gardens free cover. 


In the meantime here are a couple of options our members recommend and if you discover a good deal, please let us know so we can pass it on.

Comments (2)

  • Melissa Plath
    12/04/2023 at 4:03 pm Reply

    A community garden is starting up on my farm so I require insurance for people participating in the garden project.
    Are you able to help with this?
    Many thanks, Melissa Plath.

    • CGA web support
      CGA web support
      13/04/2023 at 2:09 pm Reply

      Hi Melissa,

      Thanks for your enquiry. As per our blog post we are unable to offer insurance to community gardens as we found the premiums couldn’t compete with that gardens are already paying. We have a link on this website with some suggestions you could follow up such as:

    • Garden Clubs Australia
    • Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria
    • Queensland Water and Land Carers
    • Green Adelaide — apply to email

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