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2006 ACFCGN annual conference decisions

ITEM 1: Purpose of ACFCGN

The ACFCGN is a national association of city farms, community gardens and partners which:

  • promotes development of community gardens, city farms, schools gardens, urban agriculture
  • provides forums for strengthening ties, sharing information, and collaboration between projects

ITEM 2: Proposal for an ACFCGN Executive:  2006-2007


  • provide reports back to the ACFCGN about the progress on annual tasks
  • organising and facilitating the national networking sessions at the annual conference; including coordinating the agenda for national networking prior to the conference


  • ACFCGN Executive includes representatives from each state who are elected annually
  • the Executive is empowered to make decisions in line with direction established by the ACFCGN at its national conference
  • discussions and decisions will take place by a separate list-server email – called ‘ACFCGN Executive’


  • a minimum 2 weeks of discussion (via email) by the Executive is required before any decisions are ratified
  • decisions are carried when 80 per cent of the Executive are in agreement
  • when Executive members are silent during discussion it is assumed that there is no objection and that they are in agreement.

ITEM 3: Long-term objectives…

  1. Develop a coherent national organisation which informs, represents, and supports community gardens
  2. Provide information about community gardens and links to resources to the wider community
  3. Promote the benefits of Community Gardens at a national level
  4. Raise the profile of Community Gardens at a National Level
  5. Develop organizational structures that reflect the long-term vision of the ACFCGN
  6. Create a strong, sustainable organisation that takes care of people, relationships & internal processes

3.1. Develop a coherent national organisation which informs, represents, and supports community gardens


  • provide infrastructure for sharing of information between projects – email, website, newsletter, etc
  • maps and databases about current projects and resources
  • organise conferences and other national/regional link-ups
  • facilitate worker/volunteer exchange between projects

3.2. Provide information about community gardens and links to resources to the wider community


  • providing online information – maps, databases, research, etc
  • development of presentation/starter packs for new gardens, councils, etc
  • links/resources for specific interest groups- eg schools.

3.3 Promote the benifits of Community Gardens at a national level


  • develop policy framework
  • promote research which measures and demonstrates the effectiveness of community gardens
  • build relationship with relevant levels of government.

3.4. Raise the profile of Community Gardens at a National Level


  • promote the existence of community gardens around Australia
  • create a national award which recognises excellence in community gardening
  • build relationship with relevant levels of government.

3.5. Develop organizational structures that reflect the long-term vision of the ACFCGN


  • clear, agreed upon mission, vision and aims
  • appropriate organizational structure to suit and achieve the vision and aims
  • membership system.

3.6 Create a strong, sustainable organisation that takes care of people, relationships & internal processes


  • work within available resources – ie not burn out members/contributors
  • develop partnerships with other relevant organizations
  • develop a range of income sources; eg: membership fees, corporate support (need to clarify what this would be), direct funding, project funding.

ITEM 4: Formation of ACFCGN Action Teams

  • ACFCGN Executive
  • Conference Team
  • Organisational Development Team
  • Strategic Planning Team
  • ACFCGN Survey Team
  • Grants and Funding Team
  • National Community Garden Awards Team

4.1 ACFCGN Executive for ’06-’07


  • provide reports back to the ACFCGN about the progress on annual tasks
  • organising and facilitating the national networking sessions at the annual conference, including coordinating the agenda for national networking prior to the conference.


  • ACFCGN Executive includes representatives from each state who are elected annually
  • the executive is empowered to make decisions in line with direction established by the ACFCGN at its national conference
  • discussions and decisions will take place by a separate list-server email – called ‘ACFCGN Executive’.


  • a minimum 2 weeks of discussion (via email) by the Executive is required before any decisions are ratified
  • decisions are carried when 80% of the Executive are in agreement
  • when Executive members are silent during discussion – it is assumed that there is no objection + that they are in agreement.

4.2. Conference Team


  • organisation of the 2007 ACFCGN Conference, April, Melbourne.

NB: Conference organising kits to assist with this processs are available from both the QLD and SA community garden networks.

4.3. Organisational Development Team


  • finalise organisation description – purpose / objectives / role of the Executive – for final approval by ACFCGN Executive
  • develop membership criteria
  • develop process for how ACFCGN Executive is elected
  • research organisational legal structures and make recommendations to the ACFCGN Executive.

NB: Needs a minimum of 2 people

4.4. Strategic Planning Team


  • develop a plan for direction of the ACFCGN for the next 3-5 years
  • design a process for undertaking this planning
  • use organisational description (purpose, objectives, etc) from the Organisation Team
  • have the process underway by the next ACFCGN Conference

NB:  At least one person from each state to be in this team.

4.5 ACFCGN Survey Team


  • promote the survey in each state/region through contacting gardens in each state
  • support gardeners in filling out surveys
  • collate the data that cannot be done on-line (eg via mail)
  • develop a plan for mapping the community gardens across Australia.

NB: It may be possible to seek funding support for the mapping part of this project.

4.6 Grants and Funding Team


  • create a database for funding options for community garden projects and networks
  • assist with whatever capacity is available to support community garden projects with the process of grant applications.

4.7. National Community Garden Awards Team


  • develop criteria for national awards
  • design a nomination process
  • provide the outline/time-frame of awards to Executive for approval, and then to listserver.

ITEM 5: Immediate action for 2006

Fiona CampbellSet up Executive listserverUrgent
Russ GraysonFollow-up Tasmanian involvement on ACFCGN Executive, Survey Administration and Strategic Planningasap
Brad ShoneFollow-up Northern Territory involvement on ACFCGN Executive, Survey Administration,  and Strategic Planningasap
Person wanted for this jobFollow-up SA involvement on ACFCGN Executive, and Strategic Planningasap
Person wanted for this jobFollow-up with ACFCGN through list-server to promote need for more involvement in the ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM as this team is responsible for finalising some core definitions / goals, etcasap

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