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AGM 2023

AGM 2023

The AGM is your opportunity to learn more about our amazing national community garden movement. It also is an opportunity to play a formal role in CGA by standing for a Board of Directors position.

WHEN: Saturday 18 November 2023 — 5:00pm AEDT
WHERE: The teleconference will be held via Zoom:

Topic: Community Gardens Australia AGM
Time: Nov 18, 2023 05:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 930 0291 7267
Passcode: 849104


  • welcome and First Nations acknowledgement
  • attendance, apologies and proxies
    • present in person:
    • present online:
    • apologies:
    • proxies:
  • acceptance of minutes of the previous AGM 2022 [PDF 69kB]
  • Director’s report
  • Treasurer’s/auditors report
  • Annual Report 2023 [PDF 4.6MB]
  • election of Board of Directors*
    • elect a Returning Officer
    • Board positions declared vacant
    • Returning Officer calls for nominations for the board
      • all nominees must be current financial Community Garden Members and/or a State/ Regional Coordinator and
      • nominated by two other current financial Community Garden Members and/or State/Regional Coordinator or Proxy
      • complete a proxy form to assign your vote if you are unable to attend AGM
    • election of the new Board
    • welcome the new Board
  • appointment of an Auditor if needed
  • meeting close
    • The Chair thanks the returning officer and the departing board and congratulates the new board
    • Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer and Secretary will be filled from within the elected Directors at the first meeting of the new Board.

* Notes on the election of the Board of Directors for 2023/24

Under the Articles of the Company, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 9 Directors shall be elected.

All Zoom participants will be on mute, if you have a queststion to ask, please put it into the chat area of Zoom.

Interested in voting but can’t make it to the meeting?

If you can’t make it to the AGM, complete the proxy voting form to have someone vote on your behalf.

Return your completed Proxy Form to CGA’s secretary, Janet Aitchison (, by 5:00pm, Thursday 16 November 2023.

Our 2022-23 Board

  • Chair: Naomi Lacey
  • Secretary: Janet Aitchison
  • Treasurer — Sajai Samuel
  • Director — Josh Barnes
  • Director, liaison, web team & membership — Jane Mowbray
  • Director, liaison, state coordinators & regional representative — Chris Smyth

How can I nominate someone or myself for the BOARD?

To stand/nominate for the Board, you must be a current financial Community Garden Member (not an associate member, ie. individual or corporate member, as these do not have voting rights).

All State and Regional Coordinators are eligible to vote/nominate for the Board.



    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Are you a Community Garden member of CGA?


    Can you tell us a little about why you are interested in joining the CGA Board of Directors?


    What skills could you bring to CGA?

    Thank you for your interest in joining the CGA Board of Directors. We will be in contact shortly.

    Need more information?

    If you have any queries please contact CGA’s Secretary, Janet Aitchison on the form below…

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