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2025 CGA supporters Thanks to all our supporters…

A provider of wicking beds.

Visit their website: WaterUps.

Eco-friendly cleaning products.

Visit their website: Koh

Stories about living more sustainably using permaculture principles. 

Visit their website: PiP Magazine

An Australian chef, food author, restaurateur and food manufacturer.

Visit their website: Maggie Beer.

Grant funding received for CGA state and national gatherings. 

Visit their website: National Horticulture Roadshow.

IGA supporting our planned education program for community garden leaders:

Set Up For Success.

If you are a member of CGA you can receive these discounts from our supporters:

  • a 20% discount from WaterUPs

  • a 10% discount on PiP products, including print and digital subscriptions, back issues, their kitchen garden calendar and organic cotton fair trade tote bags.

visit our member discount page for more details.

If you are not a CGA member yet, click here to join.
