Several community gardens were established by the Women’s Resource Centre at the request of local community members.
One garden is in our front yard that any member of the community may access.
We also have a second garden in the back yard which any woman who uses the Centre may access.
Our location in Peden Street houses many people from diverse backgrounds, four residents expressed interest in being involved in a street garden because they want to have a sense of community, get to know people, and contribute to the garden development as well as having access to low-cost food.
In response to their request, two additional garden beds were developed next door at the Brogo Flats which are owned by the Department of Housing.
These nutritious and flourishing gardens have provided a sense of community and facilitated engagement. We believe involving the community helps to assist in breaking cycles of isolation, stigmatization, abuse, violence, and low self-esteem through meeting regularly and enjoying common activities.