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  • 6000m2
    Size of the garden
  • 30+
    Number of garden members
  • none
    Membership fees
  • Clarence City Council
    Who do you lease the land from
  • many
    Other organisations involved in the garden
  • Established in 2019 Warrane Community Garden is located on a 6000m2 site leased from the Clarence City Council.
    History of the garden

WCG is a project of Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre and and incorporates raised beds, perennial mounds, orchards, vineyard, native plants zone, composting, produce share stand, and electric BBQ.

Supported by a part time paid coordinator and 30 volunteers across weekly & monthly working bees, it is a fully communal garden nurtured by the community for the community and open 24/7.

WCG hosts school class & other group visits, collaborates with organisations to deliver two seasonal community events, school holiday activities, and family events each year

Friday morning muster from 10-12 (morning tea at 11:30)
Third Sunday monthly working bee 9am-12pm (morning tea at 10:30)
Please bring a reusable cup, your own gloves and favourite weeding tool if you have them.



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