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The Community Garden is established on land provided by the Uniting Church and developed in partnership with the Swan View Community Association. We are very passionate about this project and have invested many hours of our own time and finances to establish the garden. We have been assisted by a number of grants through the Shire of Mundaring, Open Gardens Australia and the Waste Authority Community Grants Scheme. Also through the generosity of donations by community members and businesses.

Participating in the garden are a number of groups from the Disability Services Commission and community members.

The garden incorporates the concepts of “Living Smart” by being a garden that is sustainable, organic, water-wise and explores the use of recycled materials. It is our desire to con-currently include in the concept of the garden the principle of healthy eating leading to wellness.

The garden is a place for people to come together in partnership to develop new friendships, share ideas and resources.



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