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The River Heads Community Garden was established in 2013-2014 with funding from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund on land leased from the Fraser Coast Regional Council.

With wheelchair accessible paths and a fenced enclosure established, River Heads volunteers built vegetable beds, decorative garden bed, fruit orchard, garden shed and gazebo .A Garden Club was formed and which meets every Tuesday at 9.00am with morning tea provided free in the adjoining River Heads Community Hall.

Volunteers grow salad staples for the Rivers Cafe, plant decorative gardens, water, weed, and keep the area looking neat and tidy. If you have any excess salad seedlings that you dont need, bring them down on a Tuesday morning for the garden – we would be very grateful to receive them.

We have also begun selling surplus produce on a Friday night at Rivers Cafe to raise funds for running the garden. Any contributions (surplus produce or homemade preserves) for the stall are always most welcome.

Volunteers have also built a large, roofed gazebo which is available for function hire. The sea views from the gazebo looking towards Fraser Island are spectacular and the sea breezes are cool and refreshing.

The River Heads Food Forest Garden is an initiative of the River Heads Progress Association. Contact President Billie Rustin on 4125 8165 or 0499 992 442 to become involved in the community garden or to enquire about booking the gazebo or hall for private use. The garden development was funded by the Gambling Community Benefit Fund in 2013-14 with work undertaken by River Heads Progress Association volunteers.



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