The Permaculture Interpretive Garden (PIG) is a multiple use public place, a city park and part of the Randwick Community Centre. It is used as an educational venue for Randwick City Council’s community education program. You will find easy-to-copy examples of home landscaping, garden water management and food production to stimulate your own efforts in creative living.
In its community education guise the community centre is known as the Randwick Sustainability Hub. In that role, the Permaculture Interpretive Garden (PIG) is venue to council courses in Organic Gardening, Forest Gardening, Living Smart, a professional development course for early childhood educators and others, and for Council’s educational program for preschool and primary school children.
It is also home to monthly Permabees that maintain the garden, workshops such as compost making, the annual International Permaculture Day and Fair Food Week, and to community swaps.
The PIG also features a public barbecue and pergola and an adjacent children’s playground, public reedbed toilet, filtered water bottle filling station (with a drinking tap for dogs) and village green.