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There are currently 28 plots ranging from approximately 14 m2 to 50 m2, including a number of individual fruit tree plots. The garden also has a communal fruit tree orchard. The soil in the garden is mostly clay based, although improvements have been made by plot holders through the addition of organic matter over the last couple of years. Most plot holders also engage in a constant battle with couch.

Since being established, a number of improvements to the garden have been made including a car port pergola, new garden shed and high quality cyclone fence around the garden’s perimeter.

The Kaleen garden shares a boundary fence with the Kaleen High School farm – which has a number of inquisitive and friendly goats, chooks, ducks and geese. As with most gardens around Canberra, we share our space with a variety of wildlife including a family of magpies, kookaburras, blue tongue lizards, fairy wrens, thornbills, pardalotes, the occasional snake, and of course cockatoos looking for something to destroy.



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