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The Gnarojin Community Garden is situated on Hale Street in Narrogin where the old Narrogin Railway Bowling Green used to be.

The Garden is used by different community groups throughout the week as part of their organised activities.  The garden beds are not for hire, instead, the Garden’s Management Committee along with volunteers maintain the beds, and the eventual produce is shared or sold.

The Garden is not locked and is accessible at all times, but on Saturday mornings from 8.30 volunteers open up the buildings, put the kettle on, and enjoy working together in the Garden.

It also allows visitors to come along and pick and purchase their own produce.

The Narrogin Farmers & Makers Market is held in the Garden’s grounds six times a year. The main emphasis of the day is local fresh food, music, handicrafts, and a social get-together, a chance to catch up with family and friends. Money raised is used to cover the running costs of the Community Garden.

Features at the garden include access for people with a disability, a plant and seedling nursery, Chook Shed, different compost systems, a reading library, comfy chairs, and tea/coffee making facility as well as a quiet place to sit and breath!

To access the Garden’s events calendar and other information, an annual membership form is available, for individuals and corporate groups.

We hope to see you there one day soon!




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