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  • more than 10 sq m
    Size of the garden
  • 20
    Number of garden members
  • Nil
    Membership fees
  • $500
    Annual costs to run the garden
  • Tecoma Uniting Church
    Who do you lease the land from

The FLAME (Food, Life, Art, Music, and Education) Community Garden is in Tecoma situated in front of a church and opposite a bakery.

We acknowledge that the land the garden is situated upon is the unceded land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We continue the ongoing guardianship with respect for Elders, past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the extensive agricultural and plant knowledge that enabled First Nations peoples to live in harmony with this country for over 60,000 years and in excellent health. Our intention is to connect to and care for this land and incorporate First Nations peoples Knowledges that are recently emerging about Caring for Country.

All food is available for everyone, it is run by volunteers. Anyone can visit any time and pick food. It has a watering system but also has a roster for watering parts that are not yet included in the new system. It has 2 different composting systems hot compost and sub pods. Talk to us about using the sub pods for food scraps.

Garden times: 3rd Saturday, 10.30am to 12 unless it falls on a holiday weekend. Children welcome. Safe play space.

Other activities: Offers workshops on various food and garden-related topics. See Facebook Events

Story: Started 8 years ago by 3 women. Church allows us to use the land. Food is Free was started by this group but is now managed by the Church. Has a committee you can join. Meets as needed.


The FLAME Community Garden and Food Forest in Tecoma was developed as a central project in an organisation called The Hills Food Frontier.

The Hills Food Frontier (THFF) was a volunteer based incorporated association that inspired, mobilised and equipped the Hills community to choose, grow, share and eat good food.

THFF de incorporated in 2022 due to lack of committee volunteers.

The FLAME Community Garden and Food Forest lives on.


Over 7 years THFF:
  • Developed a strong presence in the community via social media, events, website, newsletters and active Facebook pages with over 3000 followers
  • Established the FLAME Community Garden in Tecoma
  • Showed the Fair food film at Burrinja Cultural centre, in partnership with the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance, and hosted a panel discussion in order to open discussion on food sovereignty issues
  • Participated in the development of the Yarra Ranges Shire “Food Strategy” in 2015
  • Developed, launched and managed “Food is Free Tecoma” in partnership with the Tecoma Uniting Church and the Shire of Yarra Ranges in October 2015
  • Funded by SYR for Project Coordinators to research and establish the Ridge Schools and Community Good Food Project from  June 2016 to October 2017
  • Held festivals and garden parties
  • Facilitated garden projects in local primary and secondary schools
  • Facilitated workshops about growing and preserving veggies, beekeeping, worm farming and hot composting
  • Established an Indigenous garden that includes food eaten and grown by First Nations people
  • Helped develop and launch the Belgrave Food Garden in 2021
  • Added First Nations Artwork and signage to the garden 2022
  • Rebuilt raised the garden bed in 2022, including a watering systems
  • Installed sub pods into the garden beds
  • Provided a safe place for many conversations, a lot of caring and management of mental health issues, especially through Covid.


Volunteers of the  FLAME Garden have changed the landscape of the wasted and degraded space around a community building by using permaculture principles. The garden is now well established. We welcome volunteers to help us move forward in caring for the garden and developing more artwork in the garden.



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