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The new Discovery Point Communal Garden has been created so Wolli Creek residents to grow their own fruit and veggies.

Planted next to historic Tempe House, the garden is a chance to get residents out of the surrounding high-rise apartments to connect with the soil and plant the seeds that will grow a new community network.

About 20 volunteers have cleared the site and built five raised beds. Four are ‘wicking’ beds that retain a water reservoir in the base and which grow veggies, flowers and herbs.

It gives residents and their children and grandchildren the chance to get their hands into the soil, create a healthy eco-system and build community spirit,” community garden convenor Carolin Wenzel said. “In the fifth central bed we planted a dwarf lemon tree and herbs. We also built a rotating compost bin which financial members can access,” she said.

The Communal Garden is open to all residents living in Discovery Point and the surrounding area.



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