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Admiring the garden is for everyone, planting and picking is for members only. Contact us through FB to become a member.

Yearly membership is $30 for individuals and $40 for households.

Membership monies keep the garden growing! As a member you receive access to our seed library, garden resources and fresh produce. Saturday morning is the time to come and share in the harvest!

In addition to producing a harvest of food, the vision for Charlie’s Garden is to create and maintain a beautiful, unique, safe, supportive and productive garden within Darlington for all residents. Charlie’s Garden promotes a sense of community where trust, effort, knowledge, skills and responsibility are shared; where creativity, quality and the environment are nurtured; and where equity and philanthropy can flourish.

We meet on Saturday morning for weekly harvest & working bee.

Please direct enquiries to or send us a DM through Facebook or Instagram



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Opening Hours

  • MondayClosed
  • TuesdayClosed
  • WednesdayClosed
  • ThursdayClosed
  • FridayClosed
  • Saturday 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • SundayClosed

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