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Beachmere Community Garden Inc.

Main St, Beachmere QLD 4510
  • 300 sqm
    Size of the garden
  • Please email for details
    Membership fees
  • Moreton Bay City Council
    Who do you lease the land from

Update September 2024 –  Hi All! Beachmere Community Garden is a new community garden, built from the ground up with a focus on accessibility and inclusion.  We are an educational garden, designed to showcase the plants that grow well in our region and gardening methods suitable for any space, with a focus on sustainable gardening methods including wicking gardens, utilizing pots and containers, home composting, beneficial insects and companion planting.  We aim to follow organic gardening principles.  There are no allotments offered at our garden, members and volunteers help plan, fund raise, construct and maintain the display gardens.  We are in the process of booking a range of educational workshops to be held on site throughout the year.  Check our Facebook page for updates or send an email requesting to be added to our monthly newsletter list.

Update! Thanks to the amazing work from our members, volunteers and supporters, major construction projects have been completed at the garden.  Because of this, the garden is now OPEN EVERYDAY from 8-4pm. We also have the following events:

– working bees every Saturday and Wednesday from 3-5pm

– A Social gathering, “Arvo in the Garden”, the 4th Sunday of each Month from 3-5pm.

Visits from other gardens welcome! If would like to visit, please send us an email and we will look to arrange a suitable time.

To find us, access via Main Street next to water tower.



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