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Preston Beach Community Garden Inc.

Stables Rd Preston Beach WA 6215
  • Total site area ~ 2000m2
    Size of the garden
  • 72
    Number of garden members
  • $30 family $20 individual
    Membership fees
  • TBD but in order of $2000.00
    Annual costs to run the garden
  • Shire of Waroona, WA
    Who do you lease the land from
  • Common membership with Progress Association and Golf Club
    Other organisations involved in the garden

‘More than just a Vegie patch’…


Planning commenced in 2019.  Council approval of site in early 2021.  Planning approvals and management plans including weed and waste management, building approvals etc. completed by end of 2021.  Fencing and shed erected over summer of 2021/22.  State, Federal and local shire grants applied for and received in 2021/22.

Official opening of the garden held on 23rd April 2022.  Opened by Hon. Andrew Hastie MP, Federal member for Canning, Mrs Robyn Clarke MLA, member for Murray – Wellington and Cr Mike Walmsley, Waroona Shire President.


Approximately only one third of the site is currently developed.  We have plans for passive recreation areas with Shire in-principal agreements in place. and professional landscape planning.

We have a shade house to erect, another storage shed, shed patio and shade sails to go up in the coming months.


While we have strong membership numbers, member participation could be much better and will be the focus of our attention this year.  Most members are retired or mature aged and lead very active lives with caravanning and overseas holidays or visiting families elsewhere in WA.  This limits their available time for activities in the garden, on the golf course or involvement in other community activities.

The permanent residential population is only around 250 people.



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