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AGM 2021 — special resolutions amendment

AGM 2021 — special resolutions amendment

Current rule:

12 Annual membership fee 

(1) At each annual general meeting, the Association must determine— 

(a) the amount of the annual membership (if any) for the following financial year; and (b) the date for payment of the annual membership. 

(2) The Association may determine that a lower annual membership is payable by associate  members. 

(3) The Association may determine that any new member who joins after the start of a  financial year must, for that financial year, pay a fee equal to— 

(a) the full annual membership; or 

(b) a pro rata annual membership based on the remaining part of the financial year; or (c) a fixed amount determined from time to time by the Association. 

(4) The rights of a member (including the right to vote) who has not paid the annual  membership by the due date are suspended until the membership is paid.  

To be amended to:

12 Annual membership fee

(1)       At each annual general meeting, the Association must determine the amount of the annual membership (if any) for the following financial year.

(2)       The Association may determine that a lower annual membership is payable by associate members.

(3)       Annual membership fees are payable on the date the membership is approved by the association

(4)       The rights of a member (including the right to vote) who has not paid the annual membership by the due date are suspended until the membership is paid.

Current rule:

44 Composition of Committee 

The Committee consists of— 

(a) a President; and 

(b) a Vice-President; and 

(c) a Secretary; and 

(d) a Treasurer; and 

(e) ordinary members may comprise of at least one representative from each of ACT,  NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA. 

To be amended to:

44        Composition of Committee

The Committee consists of—

(a)        a President; and

(b)       a Vice-President; and

(c)        a Secretary; and

(d)       a Treasurer; and

(e)       3 ordinary members

Current rule:

53        Election of ordinary members

(1) The annual general meeting must by resolution decide the number of ordinary members of  the Committee (if any) it wishes to hold office for the next year. 

(2)  A single election may be held to fill all of those positions.

(3)     If the number of members nominated for the position of ordinary committee member is less than or equal to the number to be elected, the Chairperson of the meeting must declare each of those members to be elected to the position.

(4)     If the number of members nominated exceeds the number to be elected, a ballot must be held in accordance with rule 54.

To be amended to:

53        Election of ordinary members

(1)    A single election may be held to fill all of those positions.

(2)     If the number of members nominated for the position of ordinary committee member is less than or equal to the number to be elected, the Chairperson of the meeting must declare each of those members to be elected to the position.

(3)     If the number of members nominated exceeds the number to be elected, a ballot must be held in accordance with rule 54.
