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Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania 2022 — interview with Hannah Moloney

Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania 2022 — interview with Hannah Moloney

Video by Russ Grayson, September 2022

The world is a pretty interesting place right now, says Community Gardens Australia (CGA) ambassador, Hannah Moloney.

I was speaking with Hannah during the recent Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania conference at which both of us and Fiona Campbell, who does CGA’s online systems, and community garden ally, Tania Brookes spoke.

Serenaded by traffic noise from the highway, I asked Hannah how she made a start in community gardening and spoke with her about the value of collaboration, what people starting a community garden should think about and the place of community gardens, permaculture and related community initiatives in a world beset by freaky weather, war and an impending food security crisis.

Hannah Moloney works through her Hobart-based education and design consultancy, Good Life Permaculture.

Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania network hosts a number of community gardens and food co-operatives as well as other initiatives in some of their 35 community houses around Tasmania. This year’s conference was themed around sustainable living.

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