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John McBain

John McBain

Our Sustainability Ambassador, aka Waste-Not the Wizard

Born in Adelaide in 1952, I lived in the SE of SA at Lucindale on our farm ‘Crower’ until we drove across the dusty Nullarbor in 1957 in an old Holden.

Mum and Dad bought ‘Kuringai’ in SW WA at Boyup Brook where I went to school until 1964.

I attended Scotch College from 1965 till 1969 and we moved to Perth in 1967. I did a Commerce degree at UWA in mid-70s and worked in management for Esso Australia before moving to a 287 acre (116 hectares) farm at Nannup.

Our Chestnut orchard became one of the 1st Grade A registered Biodynamic farms in WA.

Moved to 205 acres in Rosa Glen: half cleared, half bush, bordering forest. Very lucky to live in the bush much of my life.

Set up ‘Environmentally Safe Shop’ and did green campaigns locally, state and Oz wide, globally: mining, development, forestry, etc & Rio Earth Summit.

Arriving back in Perth broke, I ended up at Perth City Farm doing community work. The beginning of my community garden journey as Secretary, President, and Sustainability Ambassador to Community Gardens Australia.

Life in the city was like being in heaven – one of the most wasteful societies ever to exist on earth.

I established Sustainable Urban Nutrition (SUN) and was reborn as Waste-Not the Wizard.

Get in touch with John at: 

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