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Nature Craft for Aussie Kids

a book launch — Nature Crafts for Aussie Kids — includes which native plants to use and grow

by Kate Hubmayer

At Food 4 Thought gathering (21-23 March 2014), Adelaide teacher, artist and author, Kate Hubmayer, launched her new book — Nature Crafts for Aussie Kids.

Costa Georgiadias launches Nature Crafts for Aussie Kids at Food 4 Thought national community garden gathering 2014

You will find 15 fun crafts to encourage children of all ages to use their imagination and connect with nature including making rope and seedpod aliens! The book also includes information on 18 useful and beautiful Australian native plants to grow.

A must for children, parents, grandparents and teachers.

Sophie Thompson, author and presenter, Gardening Australia, ABC TV

Where can you get a copy you ask?

For $19.95 plus postage you can obtain a copy by:

View video at Eco-topia 2012

Garden art for primary school children:

Kate takes us through her experience at Black Forest Primary School and provide hands-on demonstrations of easy nature crafts and other successful (& cheap!) garden art activities for children. Learn to make rope using natural fibre and how to make a beautiful leaf print using a mallet.
Kate also covers which plants, garden design elements, and simple props inspire children to connect with nature in imaginative and creative play.

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