2011 ACFCGN annual gathering
It’s that time of the year for the AGM
Date: Tuesday 29 November 2011
Time: 8pm-9pm EST
Where: phone hookup – reply to our treasurer John Brisbin to receive details to join in
Our last AGM was after the Canberra Community Garden Conference. This AGM set the wheels in motion to continue our communications activities. We’ve been busy improving our online social networking presence and have created a beautiful poster for gardeners to use.
If you haven’t seen it already, view the poster.
If you’d like to actively be involved in supporting and networking community gardeners around Australia, join us at our phone AGM:
- would you like to be on the support team or executive committee?
- would you like to nominate someone for one of the executive/support positions on the network?
- do you have a person in your state that you’d like to nominate to represent your area on the network?
To join in, reply to our treasurer John Brisbin at john[at]boab.info to receive details of how to join in.
ACFCGN general meeting
- State reports and updates on garden news
- FOLLOW UP from last meeting
- POSTER update
- Neta community garden month idea update
- John McBain’s waste presentation update
- City of Sydney Street Tree Master Plan
- Calendar of events
- DISCUSSION around support for the ACFCGN
- Accept minutes from the 2010 AGM
- Presidents report
- Treasurers report
- Returning officer nominated
- All positions declared vacant, Here is a listing of the 2011 team:
Executive of the ACFCGN 2011:
- President: Fiona Campbell (NSW)
- Vice President: Jane Mowbray (NSW)
- Treasurer: John Brisbin (QLD)
- Public Officer: Ben Neil (VIC)
- Secretary: John McBain (WA)
- Media Liaison Officer: Russ Grayson (NSW)
Ordinary Members:
- Kate Hubmayer (SA)
- Claire Nettle (SA)
- Carolyn McArthur (know as Caro) (SA)
- Nel Smit (TAS)
- Hannah Maloney (TAS)
- Anne Goodall (WA)
- Jennifer Alden (VIC)
- Keith Colls (ACT)
- Jana Norman (NT)
Supporters 2011:
- Rebecca Chettleburgh (VIC)
- Michael Neville (NSW)
- Emma Daniel (NSW)
- Harry Wykman (WA)
- Miriam (TAS)
- Jacqui Hunter (SA)
- Simon Ross (QLD)
- Morag Gamble (QLD)
Nominations are called for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Media Liaison Officer
- Ordinary members for:
- SA
- WA
- NT
- Tas
Fiona Campbell
President ACFCGN