The botanical Gardens trust of Sydney, Community Greening New South Wales.
Other organisations involved in the garden
The garden started in late 2018 early 2019.
History of the garden
More details to come.
Successes recently have included:
seasonal growing and producing this spring-summer crop:
sugar baby watermelons, zucchinis and cucumbers, massive tomato (multiple plants and varieties), blueberries, spinach, kale, snow peas, all the allums (onion family), carrots, aniseed (root veg), a range of citrus, lemons, limes, a very large bay tree, eggplant, passionfruit on the way.
now we are growing a range of flowering plants (bee attractors for pollination) — a large trained bougainvillea growing up to create shaded areas and a star jasmine three large plants trained in a similar way vertically, up to it large trellis area to create shade and produce fragrance.
successful worm farming — to the point of transferring worms and castings to the garden
composting of building food waste
installation of a drip watering system for the entire garden with a timer system.
raised beds for elderly residents, in particular, are restrictive in their depth
designing, implementing and applying for grants for accessibility
unofficial training of residents on how to prune and cut produce instead of damaging ongoing producing plants.